Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Test

There are tests that everyone must pass
Doesn't matter who finishes first or last
Learning from your mistakes is key in this
And if you do you will enjoy life with sweet bliss
There's no due date or wrong way of handling it
Just be careful and make sure your heart's light is lit
As your biggest study guide is here
These tests will not cease and disappear
For we have many tests and trials to overcome
No need for giving up or living like a bum
Having faith in God is the best answer for all
For his love is the greatest gift of all

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Can't live without you

Never thought it would be you and me
Or that we would be married and raising a family
You knew from the beginning just how it woud end
We would be lover's and the best of friends
Losing you or the kids are two of my biggest fears
Just thinking about it brings me to tears
Not seeing your face or cuddling with you at night
Or not awaking in your arms as we lay in the sunlight
To not touch you or hear your voice
Living without you is simply not a choice
I loved you then and even more now
More than the day we took our vows
Life itself has no real meaning without your love
For its like an angel that's been sent from above
Loving you may not always be easy
But you being who you are is what pleases me
Together we can overcome anything
And is one of the many reasons I still wear your ring
Adding the last piece of the puzzle is how you complete me
That's why I can't live without you for there's no me without you or you without me

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


There are many things that inspire me
Like music, walking, or spending time with my family
It's at these moments I feel at ease
Like how the wind blows as it rustles the trees
Inspiration comes from deep down within
As does the motivation to keep going when you feel like giving in
You are only as strong as the weakest part of you
So always go the extra mile and see your goals through and through
Continue to see all your dreams come true
For no one can make them come to life but you
At the end of it all you will gladly say
I'm happy I have inspiration at the end of the day

Saturday, August 21, 2010


This road has come to its end
Time for me to become brand new as my future begins
No more suffering or complaining
It's my time to be free and to keep maintaining
All of my life, I've waited for this
Having this accomplishment feels like sweet bliss
To know that it wasn't just me who have gotten me thus far
Keeps me grounded and thankful as I continue to raise the bar
Success is the only option for time wasted is no fun
The brightest star in my own universe, like a horizon to a sun
I am who I am because I have no self doubt
I succeed because I have faith in God to help me out
For all the wrongs I have done, I have now made right
I refuse to give up without a fight
As I think of the situations life has thrown my way
I am thankful for understanding and all the blessings sent my way

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My Kaplan Experience

My mind is made up and I'm prepared for the ride
I've never been a quitter and I have support on my side
I give 100% each and everytime
Being successful is the one thing on my mind
I've strived to be one of the best
For I know that one day, I too will be put to the test
I have confidence in knowing I have studied well
As I have paved my very own special trail
Success will come I know this is true
It relys on me and what I choose to do
I choose to win and one day be able to give back
I also pray to make good impressions and positive impacts
You see, I never thought going back to school would be this exciting
Nor that I would do as well as I am in my classes or in my writing
I've made some great friends along the way
And I can't wait to see them all on graduation day

Monday, August 9, 2010

Be You

When I look in the mirror who do I see
with a big kool-aid smile looking right back at me
It's me, myself, and I as I am one of my own best friends
If you don't love yourself, how can you love a friend
Love starts with you being you
Always being honest, faithful, and true
Never underestimating all that you are capable to do
Become your own leader and lead with an iron fist
No win is bigger nor a feeling that is better than this
Following your path will guide you to your destiny
Though trials will come as this is most definatley
You will overcome them with strength ending with prosperity
It's nothing more important than you being you
There's no one like you or can do what you do
Stay on your path, live and love life to the fullest
Honor family and friends because they make you the coolest
Once again, this is very true
There's no one as good at being you but you

Sunday, August 1, 2010

A Sister's Bond

A shoulder to cry on when you are in need

That I can promise you I will be indeed

Whenever you need to vent your sister I will be

Never judging you and you never judging me

When you want to celebrate your happiness

Or get away from the days' stress

Call on me and I will be on my way

To help with any situation on any given day

A love that is unconditional is what I have for you

Though times can be rough but we will make it through

Running from problems won't fix them or make them leave

We find the solution together as always and are as thick as theives

Nothing could be better nor can ever come in between

A special relationship like the one of sisters can be very serene

Every hug and time you are in my arms

I think about how wonderful it is to have a sister's bond

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